It startling as Beatrice Muthoni, a Kenyan woman, married a deceased fiance on Saturday and granted his wishes.
This occurs after Martin Gatari, Beatrice’s fiance, passed away a few days prior to their April 6, 2024, wedding.
His fiancee proceeded with the arrangements, holding both the wedding and the funeral on the same day.

A composite picture of Martin Gitari’s coffin with his remains and his fiancée wearing a wedding ring today, Our Lady Consolata Rukenya Church in Gichugu staged a remarkable event that included both a wedding and a funeral.
The late Martin Gitari, who passed away a few days before his intended wedding due to a brief illness, requested that the wedding be held in commemoration of his intentions.
The couple had been eagerly awaiting for their big day, set for April 6, 2024 before death struck on March 16, 2024.
Martin’s family, led by his sister Pear Wambui and his fiancée, Beatrice Muthoni decided to proceed with the wedding plans, combining his burial with his wedding.
Dressed in a wedding gown complete with a bridesmaids, dressed in the attire originally chosen for the wedding, the congregation witnessed a story of enduring love.
“We are celebrating two occasions burying him and at the same time celebrating his marriage,”Wambui explained.
Father Sammy Njoroge of Kutus Catholic parish said that this was his first time presiding over such an event and emphasized the significance of honoring Martin’s wishes.
“This is my first such occassion since I became a priest,and we have done exactly what he wanted,”Father Njoroge said.
Beatrice had her grandson place the ring on her finger at church representing her dead fiancee.
She also placed the wedding ring on his dead fiancee finger at the morgue before the body was transported.